Much better weekend!
Spoke with my dr on Friday. I worked myself up into a great frenzy before I called, thinking she would say, "Sorry, but I can't think of anything else. You are too tough. I can't help you anymore." I am embarrassed thinking of it!!
So anyway, we spoke for about 20 minutes, and put a plan together. We talked a lot about why I might have slipped after doing so well, and what to think about it, do about it. She asked me many questions, went over symptoms, and when I told her I was agitated often she asked if I had taken any magnesium lately. Magnesium is essential to a woman's essential health, in fact it's one reason we crave chocolate when we are PMSing, because it contains a great deal of magnesium. She told me to drink some right away (I use a powder form in hot water, it is thought to be more easily and better absorbed this way) and see how I felt in an hour. More on that in a minute.
We also went over my thyroid levels and medication and adjusted that. So the plan goes something like this:
1. Magnesium. If that does not help,
2. Increase progesterone cream. If that doesn't help
3. We will play with thyroid, if it needs to increase or decrease.
We went over my supplements as well.
The other thing we addressed is the fact that I must do something for ME and my brain!! I am ordered to take a class, etc, which I am happy about. Also, she stressed I must get daily exercise and must be in bed before midnight at the latest.
So, I went downstairs and took the magnesium. It worked wonders. I calmed so fast. You must know, a year ago I didn't believe in any of this natural "crap," so this has been a godsend. I really feel that between my supplements, my natural progesterone cream, and the thyroid, although I have a small dose, it really saved my life!!!
I have had a much better few days. I am due to start any day (sorry for the TMI), so she also reminded me I would probably feel a hormonal release then as well, which is good. It's also good to hear her tell me to stop beating myself up, take a break, and know we are still getting my body rhythyms and cycles fine tuned.
The greatest gift I have right now? Hope. Hope that this is going to continue to get better, I will figure out what my body is trying to tell me, and then I will be able to get a better handle things .
On a side note, my kids have lost the cable DSL remote, and right now my husband is sadly trying to figure out how to delete programs and get things working. How a small thing can mess you up, huh!!??